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As part of an ongoing commitment to provide students with clear and comprehensive guidance on online education and degree programs, offers a broad range of informational resources on relevant topics in the field of higher education. These articles are meant to complement our rigorous research and reporting on specific online degrees, on trends in online learning, and on careers in fields linked to particular academic programs. The features section includes general interest stories, in-depth reports, and practical guides that delve into a wide array of subject areas, extending beyond online education, and reaching out into the larger world of knowledge and scholarship.

Online Learning Poised to Eclipse Traditional College Classrooms: New Study

Demand for online education continues to surge. And according to a new study, online learning may even be poised to eclipse traditional college and university classrooms. The Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) report released in August 2023 shows how student demand for online learning drives colleges to adapt. In its eighth annual edition since 2015, this survey polled more than 300 chief online officers (COOs) at four- and two-year institutions across the United States who manage virtual instruction at their schools.

Online Learning Ratings Continue to Climb

Suddenly, the news is full of interesting online education research. The following rundown summarizes three particularly significant reports released during mid-2022.

Online Learning: Disrupting the General Education Requirement

COVID-19 continues to emerge in pockets across the country as the 2019-2020 school year comes to a close, and students of all ages find themselves thrust into online learning. As such, in-person coursework for college students has been deemphasized for the indefinite future. Enter, a startup delivering courses to help students meet general education requirements online.

Online Resources to Prepare Students for Study Abroad

As vaccines roll out globally, higher education institutions are making plans to get students back into study abroad programs. Some students daydream about rattling off phrases flawlessly in another language or doing research at a field station deep in the middle of the rainforest. But even before getting on the plane, there are a lot of things students need to know to make the most of an educational experience in another country.

Online Tutoring: What Works and What Doesn’t

Pandemic learning loss among K-12 students turned into a hot political issue before the 2022 election, driven by shocking evidence of suffering by students. Three studies, in particular, contributed to that evidence.

Online Upskilling and Mentorship for Women in Technology

The technology sector is known for its high-income potential, with numerous individuals earning six-figure salaries. It’s becoming increasingly evident that practical technical skills and demonstrated experience are often more valuable than formal education degrees when pursuing or advancing a career in this field.

OpenAI’s New ChatGPT Edu for Universities: Will Students Benefit?

In May 2024, OpenAI announced ChatGPT Edu, a new ChatGPT version designed for colleges and universities that would like to provide artificial intelligence capabilities for their students, faculty, staff, and researchers. Following the company’s early 2024 deal with Arizona State University, the new platform amounts to another one of the company’s first forays into the higher education marketplace.

Overwhelming Online Course Demand Reshapes Community Colleges in California

A recent feature published by the Los Angeles Times demonstrates how the demand for online courses is transforming significant portions of the higher education landscape across the United States: “The demand for virtual classes represents a dramatic shift in how instruction is delivered in one of the nation’s largest systems of public higher education,” writes

Performance-based Admissions: Online Ed’s Most Disruptive Trend in Decades

Imagine that the entire process of enrolling in a university’s degree program only required 30 minutes, from start to finish—from a student’s typing their name into an online form to downloading their first lesson’s coursework.

Preparing for a Lucrative Career: Online STEM Education

Many traditional universities have created online versions of their STEM programs, enabling interested students to learn at their own speed, with some flexibility of schedule. View a list of STEM careers with positive employment outlooks and examples of online programs training professionals to meet the forecast demand.

Privacy Concerns in the Age of Expanding Online Education

A robust federal privacy legislation should be a floor, not a ceiling. The U.S. is one of the only democracies—and the only member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)—without a federal data protection agency.

Public Confidence in Online College Programs Continues to Improve: Survey

The American public now expresses substantially more confidence in online college degrees than in 2017, according to a new poll released in November 2023. More than four in five adults—84 percent—reported they now believe employers are more accepting of online degrees than during the pre-2020 era. Compared with six years ago, almost three-quarters of the sample said online education provides a “more reputable” means of obtaining a degree.

Reimagining Girls’ Education: Ways to Keep Girls Learning in Humanitarian Emergency Situations

In August 2021, the Taliban took the capital of Afghanistan, and with it many opportunities for girls’ and women’s education. Over three months later, Afghan girls are still stuck at home, waiting for the Taliban plan to re-enter schools, while boys have since been allowed to return to their classes.

Reskilling for Tomorrow: Apprenticeships

Companies are rethinking their approaches to apprenticeships for tech fields. Find out how some of these innovative educational models are being built.

Reskilling for Tomorrow: Coding Boot Camps

Learn about how coding boot camps operate, what they teach, and why the demand for software developers will continue to grow.

Reskilling for Tomorrow: Employer-Led Approaches to Closing the Skills Gap

The rapid evolution of work due to technology, innovation, and globalization has had profound effects on the labor market, but educational systems have not been able to keep up. As a result, many young professionals feel ill-equipped to enter the workforce.

Reskilling for Tomorrow: New Collar Jobs

By 2026, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that there will be two million vacant American tech positions. Given the rapid advancement of technology in the workplace, jobs will require an even more diverse mix of traditional skills and computer proficiency.

Reskilling for Tomorrow: Public-Private Partnerships

The growing interest in public-private partnerships has been encouraged, in part, by governmental policies being put into effect. These are policies that propel reskilling and new collar job initiatives, and help prepare high school students for immersion in the new collar economy

Reskilling for Tomorrow: The Nonprofit Per Scholas Partners with Tech Companies

Learn about the innovative training nonprofit Per Scholas and how they support reskilling efforts in the American tech industry.

Reskilling for Tomorrow: The Reskilling Gender Gap

Women make up only 13 percent of engineers in the U.S. One of the few areas in STEM that they do outnumber men is in mathematics. But the average total earning potential of a statistician, math teacher, or professor is closer to the starting salary of a civil or mechanical engineer. This pattern is not confined within healthcare and STEM. It’s also observable in professions like sales, real estate, administration, and management, among others.

Reskilling for Tomorrow: Who Should Pay for Workers to Upskill?

Learn about trends in employer-led upskilling, reskilling, and how the face of the job market has changed with technology.

Social Media Dos and Don’ts for College Students

Social media activity can impact the lives of college students with short- and long-term effects; online personas affect not only a person’s immediate circumstances, but also one’s future ability to secure a mortgage or job.

Social Work Month 2023: An Expert’s Advocacy Guide

Social workers are a vital part of our society, providing vital services to individuals, families, and communities. They support those facing poverty, homelessness, abuse, and neglect and assist people facing various other issues. Social workers also advocate for their client’s rights and interests in the political arena by working with local, state, and federal government bodies.

Socially Connected Professors on Twitter

Platforms like Twitter allow users to communicate with others beyond their direct connections. This sort of access allows even the most underserved student to connect with professors from schools like MIT and Harvard. This article explores the top twenty-three socially connected professors on Twitter.

Staying Competitive: How to Upgrade Your Employability Online

There are myriad professional training and certification courses available online, many for free. Professional certification can be one of the most effective ways to improve your employability and ensure career growth in the long-term.