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Schools Offering Online Nursing Programs

This section provides detailed information about nursing degree programs offered online by accredited public and non-profit private colleges and universities. researches nursing schools and programs, identifies programs that offer all or most of their coursework online, and groups these programs based on curricula and degree level. Programs classified as online nursing degree programs include: certain types of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs (RN-to-BSN programs); Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) programs with nurse educator, nursing administration, Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL), Nurse Practitioner (NP), and nurse-midwifery specializations; and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs.

The school profile pages below provide in-depth information about the program or programs offered by individual schools. These profiles are designed to assist potential applicants in making informed decisions regarding online nursing programs. They include information about admissions policies, enrollment options, core coursework, clinical practicums and internships, tuition, online instructional methods, and other factors that may be relevant to nursing students.

Graduate Nursing Programs

RN to BSN Programs